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"Your Body Is A Nurturing I Ride Into Night"
with Kidd Jordan and Morikeba Kouyaté
"Bobee (What A Spirit Walks That Way"
with Rivers Answer Moons
"Get Your JAM ON!"
with Rivers Answer Moons
and guest singer Erica Falls
"Love Is The Main Flame"
with The Suspect Many
and guest violinist India Cooke
"Fat Snake Cruise"
with The Coaxers,
featuring Dhyani Dharma Mas

"Ladies After Midnight"
'Jack Groves'
'K. Balewa'
'Suzanne Corley'
'José Cruz'
'In Port-au-Prince
They're Picking Up'
with Kidd Jordan
and Carl LeBlanc
"Wish For Peace" (Chiapas)
with Alex de Grassi
and Hamid Drake

of W.E.F.-DOM
'The WEF's Soft War is Killing More
than NAZIs' Hard War'
'Refusing the "Doom"
of mRNA 'Vaccines'
Three 'Thought-Leaders':
'Klod Swab'
'Pill Gates'
'Gates, Hitler, IBM, ID2020, and
Vaccine-Tattos for Infants'
'Monsters Mentor Monsters'
'12 Pieces for the Prosecution
of Gates and Fauci'
'The Most Destructive Person Alive'
Gates and his G.E.R.M. "team" Ready to Invade 194 United Nations through Amendments to the WHO's new International Health Regulations.
Tools to Fight the WHO's New IHR Amendments and Pandemic Treaty
You are one / Light among / Many Lights, / Myriad, / Invaluable, / Ever-Changing, / And Meant to Shine / In Ev'ry Moment

Don Paul is the author of over 30 books and the leader or producer of 27 albums. His work is praised by Jeff Adachi, All About Jazz, John W. Aldridge, David Amram, Jeannette Armstrong, Victoria Ashley, BAM, Jason Berry, Ellen Brown, Amby Burfoot, Blacklist Mailorder, Burning Toddlers, Bobby Coleman, Marie Cordier, Corneta, Malcolm Cowley, Christian Duray, Factsheet Five, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Katrina Frey, Matt Gonzalez, Jim Hoffman, JazzIz, Glenn Ito, Gayl Jones, Chuck Kinder, John Logan, David Meggyesy, Tillie Olsen, Option, David Pearlman (Poppa Neutrino), Eve Pell, Valentine Pierce, Paul Plimley, Derk Richardson, David Rubien, Kevin Ryan, Wanda Sabir, Brian Salter, John Sinclair, April Smith, Sound Choice, Tara Sufiana, John Unterecker, the URB, Johnny Vidacovich, and Tom Zigal.
He's recorded with The GALLOP Trio (Alex de Grassi, Hamid Drake) and The Suspect Many and
Rivers of Dreams bands and with the individuals
Mario Abney, John Baker, Nick Benoit, Myles Boisen, India Cooke, George Cremaschi, Dhyani Dharma, Hamid Drake, Lisel Ellis, Steve Fundy, Richard Howell, Kenton Hulme, Kidd Jordan, Kirk Joseph, Henry Kaiser, Zack Knewstub, Morikeba Kouyaté, Babatunde Lea, Willie Lonewolf, Miya Masaoka, Rick G. Nelson, Donald Robinson, J.R. Routhier, Glenn Spearman, Michael Torregano Jr., Terbo Ted, Cole Williams, Tom Worrell, and the group Joi Joi (Louise Robinson, Michelle Jacques and Darlene Spears.

With Marie Jo Pous, founder of the Foyer Espoir Pour les Enfants (FEPE) orphanage in Port-au-Prince, at the painter Isabelle Jacopin's. New Orleans, February 2015.

With Maryse Philippe Déjean, September 2020.
He's the youngest winner of a Wallace Stegner Fellowship in Creative Writing at Stanford University, age 20 in 1971. He was previously a berry-picker and and cannery-worker. He was later a logger in the Pacific Northwest and southeast Alaska and then a roughneck and the Gulf of Mexico, off and on, from 1973 to 1980.
He qualified for the 1980 and 1988 U.S. Men's Olympic Marathon Trial and held the World Road Best for running 50 kilometers between 1982 and 1992. He began to work as an agent for distance-runners in 1984 and over the next 16 years represented more than 100 international athletes through his agency Crossing Lines. He served on the Boards of the Association of Road-Racing Athletes (ARRA) and Athletes United for Peace in the latter 1980s. Stanford University, age 20 in 1971. He was previously a berry-picker and and cannery-worker. He was later a logger in the Pacific Northwest and southeast Alaska and then a roughneck and the Gulf of Mexico, off and on, from 1973 to 1980.

West Valley Marathon, February 1979--the race that hooked me on distance-running.
Below are photos taken by novelist April Smith in 1971, 1972, and 2002. The final photo features our friend and fellow novelist Charles Alfonso Kinder, aka "Chuckie in the Sky with Diamonds", beloved by many as "Chuck."

November 1971, the Post Office in downtown Palo Alto, California a setting chosen by April.
In 1988 I began to record poems with my brother, the excellent musician Kenton Hulme. Songs soon sprang out. The first was a lullaby
for my daughter Paloma, "A Baby's Smile Is Sweet To See." Then, recording-studios! That
was like being born into a second world. I led or produced 16 albums between 1989 and 1995. Dozens of superbly creative musicians were
my GREAT COMPANY. Recordings from then into now can be heard on my Bandcamp page.

1989, with the Suspect
Free Worlds gathers tracks from four albums with
the "tree-mendous" Glenn Spearman.
From September 11, 2001 into 2009 I wrote about crimes of and from " '9/11' "
more than I wrote about anything else. Three books came out, plus another co-written with Jim Hoffman, plus a DVD produced with Jim and Celestine Star; plus participation in several Citizen Grand Juries; and more. crimes of and from " '9/11' "

Jim Hoffman.

In the 21st century I've co-founded Housing Is a Human Right (HIHR) in San Francisco and the New Orleans-based Rebuild Green and the Wesley United Digital Arts & Training Center. Maryse Philippe Déjean, his wife, now co-direct Sticking Up For Children in Haiti and New Orleans.
May 1972, the occasion a Party for our Creative Writing
class' "Coach", Dick Scowcroft. The bike is a1959 650
BSA that I'd bought with some of my Stegner Fellowship
money and Cannery earnings the prior Fall. Laura Kurtz
joined me from the Northwest in March. See 'Haikus
for a Spring of Walking Barefoot' and "LPs by Bare Feet'
in the book Animals Are Always Making Music for some of our time. I was very, very lucky to know Laura. Lucky,
too, to survive that BSA.

With Chuck in patio of the Oasis beer-joint and eatery, nearby Stanford, January 2002, before April, Chuck, and Scott Turow of our class and many more among Dick Scowcroft's admirers spoke in a Stanford-based tribute after his passing. Dick endured decades of Parkinson's and then the loss of his Anne with great Chuck was among the dearest of the dear to me and
he and Janet and then he and Diane (even more so) helped to increase my chances for staying alive in that decade of uncountable accidents and near-misses.
This page leads to Chuck's four novels and two books of poems and others' affection for him.
One more snapshot to bring "the class" of such camaraderie into the 21st century. We reunited in Pittsburgh at Chuck-and-Diane's on Squirrel Hill, June of 2010. Except for the graying, it was like kitchens 35 years-and-more earlier in the warmth and the chiste between us. With Chuck, April, Michael Rogers, Diane Cecily, Tom Zigal, and Scott. The exemplary writer Ed McClanahan--of another great group--may be the photographer here.

With Yuri Kochiyama among a panel for discussion of crimes of " ' '9/11'. Berkeley, California, January 2004. Photo by Shiu Hung.

Another Sunday with "Common Ground" in New Orleans, April 2006. With John of Oregon, Malik Rahim, Sakura Koné, John of Ohio, and Tiffany Hickman.

Ken McClane, Wanda Coleman, Tim Congden, and Amiri Baraka
after our reading for Common Ground at Tulane, October 2006.

With Stanley Covington and O. C. Draughan and Rebuild Green
at our house of Structural Concrete Integrated Panels in the Upper 9th Ward, June of 2007. Photo by Jaime Hazard. This was B. C.--Before the Concrete! Rebuild Green

With a crew of Home Builders Association apprentices VOLUNTEERING
to transfrom the once-abandoned Wesley United Methodist Church nto a Digital Arts and Training Center, New Orleans' Central City, March 2010.

With Kirk Joseph in a still from video by Louisiana Music Factory
of Rivers of Dreams' two hours at the LMF, November 2016.

'Maybe You Saw Horses' with Kidd Jordan and Roger Lewis at the 'Honoring the Kidd' concert, November 1, 2019, the New Orleans
Jazz Museum.
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