"Your Body Is A Nurturing I Ride Into Night"
with Kidd Jordan and Morikeba Kouyaté
"Bobee (What A Spirit Walks That Way"
with Rivers Answer Moons
"Get Your JAM ON!"
with Rivers Answer Moons
and guest singer Erica Falls
"Love Is The Main Flame"
with The Suspect Many
and guest violinist India Cooke
"Fat Snake Cruise"
with The Coaxers,
featuring Dhyani Dharma Mas

"Ladies After Midnight"
'Jack Groves'
'K. Balewa'
'Suzanne Corley'
'José Cruz'
'In Port-au-Prince
They're Picking Up'
with Kidd Jordan
and Carl LeBlanc
"Wish For Peace" (Chiapas)
with Alex de Grassi
and Hamid Drake

of W.E.F.-DOM
'The WEF's Soft War is Killing More
than NAZIs' Hard War'
'Refusing the "Doom"
of mRNA 'Vaccines'
Three 'Thought-Leaders':
'Klod Swab'
'Pill Gates'
'Gates, Hitler, IBM, ID2020, and
Vaccine-Tattos for Infants'
'Monsters Mentor Monsters'
'12 Pieces for the Prosecution
of Gates and Fauci'
'The Most Destructive Person Alive'
Gates and his G.E.R.M. "team" Ready to Invade 194 United Nations through Amendments to the WHO's new International Health Regulations.
Tools to Fight the WHO's New IHR Amendments and Pandemic Treaty
You are one / Light among / Many Lights, / Myriad, / Invaluable, / Ever-Changing, / And Meant to Shine / In Ev'ry Moment
‘It’s Okay to Have a Mind’
It’s okay to have a mind.
It’s okay to have a choice.
It’s okay to wear a red sock
With a blue sock
With a black sock
With a white sock
And to do the Funny Walk
Round your front-yard's Kumquat Tree
And its Av-o-ca-doh
And to somersault like Tolstoy
--If you like and if you can--
Round that sweet and lovely Meyer Lemon Tree
It’s okay to be a boy--
Though some may not admit it--
And to enjoy being a girl.
It's irresistible for Yuri to love his Lara
And for him to love his Tonya too—
For Marlene to love whomever—
For Frida to love Diego and her amigas.
Alexander his Hephaestion,
And Walt his Hoosier Michaelangelo--
For any to be a Natural Woman--
For any to spell himself or herself M-A-N
For any to choose the new TransHuman model
If that’s the loss of self
He or she may choose to make.
It’s okay to refuse poisons
Though States illegally
‘Mandate’ them Law.
It’s okay to just say “No!”
To injection of 40 trillion spike-proteins
Into that Holy Temple, your body—
Refuse orders that you accept poisons—
Refuse them for your family
And any free future you and they may have
After 9,422,900 at the least are injured
And 59,518 are dead due to ‘Adverse Events’
After they accepted COVID ‘vaccines’
In the United States, the U. K., and the European Union
Since December 2020’s rollout.
It’s okay to avail yourself
Of ‘Home Treatment Kits’
That cost Two-dollars sixty-five cents each,
Free to people in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh,
And bear Ivermectin, Zinc,
Vitamins C and D3 and Doxycycline,
Or to add Ivermectin
To the Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc
In the Zelenko-Fareed-Tyson Protocol
And thereby prevent and vanquish
COVID and all its Variants.
It’s okay to join thousands and millions
And save yourself,
Your families and future
With proven preventions and remedies.
It’s okay to have a mind.
It’s okay to inform consent.
It’s more than okay to make choice,
Freedom, debate, and whatever
Is proven to serve Public Health
Available to all, right now!
It’s okay to dance
In all your colors
With one hand, or both hands,
Or both feet, waving free.
Don Paul, first 2:57 a.m. to 3:47 a.m., January 14, 2022