"Your Body Is A Nurturing I Ride Into Night"
with Kidd Jordan and Morikeba Kouyaté
"Bobee (What A Spirit Walks That Way"
with Rivers Answer Moons
"Get Your JAM ON!"
with Rivers Answer Moons
and guest singer Erica Falls
"Love Is The Main Flame"
with The Suspect Many
and guest violinist India Cooke
"Fat Snake Cruise"
with The Coaxers,
featuring Dhyani Dharma Mas

"Ladies After Midnight"
'Jack Groves'
'K. Balewa'
'Suzanne Corley'
'José Cruz'
'In Port-au-Prince
They're Picking Up'
with Kidd Jordan
and Carl LeBlanc
"Wish For Peace" (Chiapas)
with Alex de Grassi
and Hamid Drake

of W.E.F.-DOM
'The WEF's Soft War is Killing More
than NAZIs' Hard War'
'Refusing the "Doom"
of mRNA 'Vaccines'
Three 'Thought-Leaders':
'Klod Swab'
'Pill Gates'
'Gates, Hitler, IBM, ID2020, and
Vaccine-Tattos for Infants'
'Monsters Mentor Monsters'
'12 Pieces for the Prosecution
of Gates and Fauci'
'The Most Destructive Person Alive'
Gates and his G.E.R.M. "team" Ready to Invade 194 United Nations through Amendments to the WHO's new International Health Regulations.
Tools to Fight the WHO's New IHR Amendments and Pandemic Treaty
You are one / Light among / Many Lights, / Myriad, / Invaluable, / Ever-Changing, / And Meant to Shine / In Ev'ry Moment

These are among the more than 59,518 dead from
COVID 'vaccines' in the U.S. the U.K., the 27
Nations of the European Union, and elsewere
around our world since December 2020.
More than Tennis.
Djokovic's Stand
for his 'unvaccinated'
Recovery from
COVID Points
to All the Needlessly
Injured and Dead
from Experimental

Closing Out an
Evil 'Order.'
Djokovic's Stand
Also Points
to the 'Natural
Acquired Immunity'
and 'Early Home
Treatments' that
Can End
"the COVID."

Someone unafraid.

These are among the more than 9,422,900 injured from
COVID 'vaccines' around our world since December 2020.
Two MDs in southern
California's Imperial Valley
save COVID patients with
'Early Home Treatments.'
Visit the websites realnotrare.com, nomoresilence.world, goodsciencing.org, healthimpactnews.com, covexit.com, thecovidworld.com, globalcovidsummit.org.
You'll find more good information and solidarity through these sites. Unite and we can win the World War III being waged against humanity.

Novak Djokovic Wins
and the Bad 'Order' of Australia Fails Again.
His Courage and Care Speak for Solutions to COVID.
January 17, 2022, New Orleans, Louisiana
Novak Djokovic is now the world's most famous refuser of COVID 'vaccines.'
The player nicknamed Djoker has twice fought in Court the Australian Government’s cancellation of his visa and his right to compete in the Australian Open. Cancellation of the athlete's visa was first attributed to Djokovic's 'vaccination' status. On January 5, 2022 his in-country entry was stopped around 5:00 a.m. in Melbourne's Airport by the Australian Border Force. His visa had of course been issued by Government that was then barring him. Djokovic's visa was based on a 'Medical Exemption' that owed to his recovery from COVID infection last month. His visa was based on 'Natural Acquired Immunity.' The World's #1 tennis-player, winner of three Grand Slam tournaments in 2021, was isolated for eight hours in the Airport. He then had to sit in Hotel quarantine four days. Djokovic won his Case last Monday, January 10, before Federal Circuit Court Judge Anthony Kelly. (1) He lost on Saturday, the 15th, in a review by three Federal Court Judges after Australia's Immigration Minister, Anthony Hawke, exercised on Friday his prerogative to deport the athlete. (2)
Hawke's (and the Australian Government's) reason for removing Djokovic from such a showcase as the Open was not any violation by Djokovic of procedures for entering Australia, but, as CBS News reported, 'on public interest grounds, saying his presence might be a risk to the health and "good order" of the Australian public and "may be counterproductive to efforts at vaccination by others in Australia." ' (3)
That is, a robust and winning Novak Djokovic would signal Australia and all the world that his 'Medical Exemption' of having Acquired Natural Immunity from COVID disease through his recovery from it last month may apply universally for proof of very good health, before and after experiencing COVID, without any 'vaccination' needed for one's well-being.
Just as Kyrie Irving in the National Basketball Association, Aaron Rodgers in the National Football League, and Tyler Bertuzzi in the National Hockey League are proofs of such 'unvaccinated' well-being through their Natural Acquired Immunity, as shown in my 'Stop the Shots, We Can Then Stop COVID'. (4)
Novak Djokovic is tied with Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal as winner the of the most men's Grand Slam championships. All three in their superlative generation have 20 such titles. Novak's include six wins at Wimbledon and nine in Australia.
Nadal said that "justice had spoken" when Djokovic was reinstated on January 10. (5)
Last July Federer and Nadal congratulated Djokovic on his sixth win at Wimbledon.
Sport can be great for the mutual respect it engenders between rivals.

Rafael Nadal of Majorca, Spain and Novak Djokovic of Serbia are both age 34.

Zoran Gliga on Twitter noted Djokovic's generosity. Above are
gifts totaling 2,610,000 Euros and $2,000,000. Several are to
enitities in Australia, including $1,000,000 for the Australian
Open's Juniors program.

Aaron Rodgers, 2021 NFL Most Valuable Player.
Kyrie Irving.

Tyler Bertuzzi.

Djokovic's choice to forego any of the gene-based 'vaccines' from Pfizer or Moderna or AstraZeneca or Bayer's Johnson & Johnson may owe to what he's observed among other athletes after their 'vaccination.'
Jérémy Chardy of France left competition last September after 16 years
on the ATP tour. He was then ranked #73. He reached his highest ranking of #25
in 2013. Chardy, also age 34, has won more than $10.1 million in prize-money. He competed for France at the Tokyo Olympics of 2021. And then....
Djoker's Stand Helps Those Injured by COVID 'vaccines'

Chardy spoke in the ATP's TennisMajors website.
'Jérémy Chardy’s season has come to an end following what he has described as complications linked to his vaccine against Covid-19.
Chardy received his Pfizer injection between the Olympics and the US Open, where he was knocked out in the first round by Matteo Berrettini. He was also knocked out in the first round of qualifying at the Cincinnati Masters 1000 by Tennys Sandgren.
“Since I got my vaccine, I have a problem, I have a lot of problems. As a result, I can’t train, I can’t play,” Chardy told AFP.' (6)

Chardy was more specific to Agence France Presse: 'The world number 73 explained that he felt violent pains all over his body as soon as he made any physical effort.' (7)
Another ATP player, current #22 Niklosz Bashashivili of the Nation of Georgia,
age 29, had to leave his ATP Cup match, January 5, 2022 due to pains in his chest and difficulty with his breathing.

The Australian U. S. Sun reported:
He was overheard saying: "Every shot I’m out of breath."
Emma Raducanu also had to terminate her magnificent Wimbledon run in a similar fashion last summer.' (8)
Novak Djokovic and other ATP players may have observed, too, the huge and
unprecedented number of soccer footballers stricken with heart ailments in the second half of 2021. Many more among 'World-Class Athletes', competing in many separate sports, have left competition in 2021. At least two have died. (9)
TheCOVIDworld.com last November 7 reviewed several high-profile athletes after their COVID 'vaccinations.' Two-time Olympic gold-medalist in speed-skating Kjeld Nuis of the Netherlands has pericarditis after one Pfizer shot. Premier League footballer Pedro Obiang has myocarditis. NBA point-guard Brandon Goodwin is sidelined with blood clots. 2016 Olympic cycling champion Greg van Avermaet opted out of the 2021 World Championships after double doses of Pfizer's 'vaccine'. Francesca Marcon, Italian volleyball player, has pericarditis following her second Pfizer shot. Haziq Kamarudden, 27-year-old archer from Malaysia, is dead of a blocked coronary artery, 10 days after his second Pfizer shot on May 4. Yusuke Kinoshita, also 27, pitcher for the Chunichi Dragons of Japan, is dead after collapsing on the eighth day following his 'vaccination' last July. (10)

Novak Djokovic and his family may weigh close to their own hearts the risks of
COVID 'vaccines'. He and other players not present at the 2022 Australian Open may question whether obedience to the power that mandates dangerous-at-best 'vaccines' is worth the risk of their careers and their very lives.

On January 15, 2022 theCOVIDworld.com published a follow-up that featured
11 more of high-profile athletes stricken after their COVID 'vaccines'. (11)

The website goodsciencing.org is admirably diligent in its gathering of 'Athletes Collapses and deaths 2021-2'. It counts 449 injuries and 263 dead between January
2021 and January 2022. The graph below shows that injuries and deaths grow far more frequent from August onward. Counts more than double over six months. (12(

Part Three of my 'The Undoing of Evil' presents day-by-day records that goodsciencing.org provides. You can see there how many of the suddenly dead
athletes are younger than 21. You can see how their deaths cluster--many as four in five days. You can what a great, indubitable tragedy is being ignored or dismissed by Networks' News. (13)

Nations of Africa, States of India,
Offer More Proofs for Public Health against COVID
The winning argument of Novak Djokovic’s ‘Natural Acquired Immunity’--that proof which so frightened Australian officials that Djoker's success might upset their wholly failing, ruinous 'good order' for Public Health through 'vaccination'--couples with another example of solutions against COVID disease. That great, encompassing solution, a solution for prevention and for remedy, is ‘Early Home Treatment'.
"Early Home Treatment' is advocated and practiced by Doctors across every Continent. It reduces COVID among populations by factors of at least five wherever it's employed. It's the regular regimen of billions of the most COVID-free people on Earth, as it's part of their daily diet.
Africa's 54 Nations comprise a population of about 1.3 billion, about 17% of the people on our planet. By contrast, Africa's COVID Cases are about 3% of those counted by Our World In Data and its total of Deaths is about 4%. See this summary from the Associated Press and ABC News of November 19, 2021.
'WHO data show that deaths in Africa make up just 3% of the global total. In comparison, deaths in the Americas and Europe account for 46% and 29%.' (14)
Part Three of 'The Undoing of Evil' notes that North and South America account for 13% of global human population and European Nations account for 9.7%
How should 13% of people account for 46% of deaths? And 9.7% of people account for 29% of COVID deaths? And 22.7% of people total (13 + 9.7) account for 75% of COVID deaths since the 'Global Pandemic' began. (15)
Africa's percentage of 'unvaccinated' corresponds like a mirror with its lesser percentage of COVID deaths. Please the Bloomberg News map below. (16)
Please see next the map of Africa comparing Nations' death-rates (the graph) and with their use of Ivermectin as a anti-parasitic (the colors). The map is courtesy the website for the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Doctors (the FLCCC), an organization now comprising 2,357 Physicians and Nurses among its 'Worldwide Associates', including 1807 in the United States.' (17)
The blue line represents those African Nations in which Ivermectin is widely ingested as an anti-parasitic that's purposed against river-blindness (Onchocerciasis). The naturally originated Ivermectin molecule has aided hundred of millions of Africans. The British medical journal The Lancet wrote in 2018--'Ivermectin has been widely used for 30 years to combat onchocerciasis and is rightly considered a wonder drug.' (18)

The Indian States of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh after mass 'vaccination' (SPIKE) and after 'Ivermectin introduced to Goverments' protocols and Kits for Treatment.
Then there are the Indian States of Uttar Pradesh and Delhi and their use of 'Home Treatment Kits' that include Ivermectin.
Success against COVID in these two States of India is as dramatic, since April 2021, as it is huge and revelatory in Zimbabwe and Nigeria since 2020.
Dr. John Campbell, host of a series of interviews and reviews on YouTube that's reached more than 20 million views, considered on September 22, 2021 the State's measures in Uttar Pradesh that had produced 97% reduction in COVID deaths. Uttar Pradesh and Delhi are States neighboring each other in north-central India; U. P.'s population is about 240 million and Delhi's about 18 million.
'Home Treatment Kits' were distributed door to door and otherwise in U. P., The Desert Review of southern California's Imperial Valley reported. (19)
The Kits contained: 'Paracetamol tablets [tylenol], Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [quantity #10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [quantity #10 tablets]. Other non-medication components included face masks, sanitizer, gloves and alcohol wipes, a digital thermometer, and a pulse oximeter.'
The Kits were accompanied by twice-daily calls from 'COVID Control Centers', Dr. Campbell noted. (20)
Why aren't such Kits and such outreach and follow-up offered in ALL of the United States? Why isn't the Federal Government moving with all possible speed in obvious steps that will save thousands of lives? Why aren't Florida's 'Early Treatment Network' and 'healthieryou' initiatives instituted across North America and Europe? (21)
By December 10, 2021 Uttar Pradesh recorded a mere 134 Active Cases among its 240-or-so million people, as related by The Times of India. (22)

Djokovic's Stand Can Lead to End of the COVID Plague.
Novak Djokovic's stand in Australia is a win for the world in multiple ways. It wins
Court validation of 'Natural Acquired Immunity' as a 'Medical Exemption'. It wins exposure of the Australian Government's fear that this champion's example may
deter others from the 'order' enforcing 'vaccination', the 'order' already proven
to riddled with fatal failures, the 'order' of 'vaccination' so inferior to the 'Herd Immunity' already won through 'Early Home Treatment' in Nations of Africa and States of India.
Djoker's stand wins by extension of its argument--and by its example of the COVID-recovered #1 male tennis-player in the world--attention to the quandaries and the suffering of athletes and ALL performers who feel they must accept one or more of the fraudulent COVID 'vaccines.'
His stand is for a world far beyond tennis. It throws light to ALL those individuals already injured by a COVID 'vaccine', whether they be peers of Nokak's such as Jérémy Chardy and Olympic gold-medalists Kjeld Nuis and Greg van Avermaet--or whether they be other peers--peers not famous but struggling and ignored--those dozens unto hundreds on the websites realnotare.com (23) and nomoresilence.world. (24)
These latter are the mothers and fathers, Respiratory Therapists and Registered Nurses and Nursery-School teachers, posting and calling out to be recognized with some institutional care for their post-'vaccine' disabilities and pains.

Wendy Bufano, Registered Nurse, incapacitated by Pfizer 'vaccine'. See Wendy among the dozens on realnotrare.com.
Emma Burkey, 18, Nursery-School teacher, four strokes,
three brain-surgeries, after Johnson & Johnson 'vaccine'. See Emma among 20 from the USA on
nomoresilence.world. (26)
The true numbers of COVID-'vaccine' victims we never see on Airports' Networks'
screens. We can find them and feel through websites such as nomoresilence.world and healthimpactnews.com and thecovidworld.com and covexit.com and covidvaccinesideeffects.com and realnotcare.com and ... All are daily reminders and resources.

nomoresilence.world provides this gathering of the post-'vaccine injured
and dead that was my source for the 59,518 deaths and 9.422,900 other
'Adverse Events' that are cited in the banner for this piece. (27)
What can we do? Unity is most primary and beneficial
for us, the people round the world who seek to be free of COVID
as a plague and pretext, despite Governments apparently intent
on prolonging and worsening conditions (Lockdowns,
Mask Mandates, social isolation, economic segregation,
'Vaccine Mandates', ...) that promote COVID and other diseases.
We can unite and fight and do for each other. We can act for
economic independence. We can boycott businesses that enforce
the injection of 'vaccines' that, we now know, are proven poisons.
Qantas and NewsCorp are two consumer-fed businesses,
based in Australia, that 'mandate' their employees be
'vaccinated.' Boycott Qantas. Boycott NewsCorp and all
its media. We must retaliate against those who insist on
measures that amount to mass-murder against the public.
Westfield Malls, based in Australia, is another such
mass-employer and mandator. Westfield is parent to 32
Malls across the United States. (28) Boycott each and all
of these Malls. (Their franchised Shops tend to be pricier
than other sources, anyway. and more exploitative of
In the United States, United Airlines and Amazon and
Whole Foods Market are prominent among the Corporations
that have fired or will fire employees who refuse to accept
into their bodies the inferior and poisonous solutions
known as COVID 'vaccines.' Boycott United. Boycott Amazon
and Whole Foods.

16 of the 32 Malls in the U. S. administered by Westfield Malls. Based in
Australia, Westfield Malls bars 'unvaccinated' customers. (29) The nonsensically segregationist Westfield Malls is one good target for consumers' mass boycott.
Patronize, instead of Malls' franchises, the stores and
shops born in our own communities. Every day, make
conscious choices that enrich our own communities. (14)
We come to these changes through the examples of Novak Djokovic, individual athlete; and thousands of
of Doctors and Nurses; and hundreds millions in health-care and in socieites of Nations in Africa and States in India.
Worldwide unity and victory are imminently possible now. Proofs must compel actions. Unite within the twin solutions of 'Natural Acquired Immunity' and 'Early Home Treatments' and we can be free of COVID as plague and pretext by May of this year!

1. https://www.espn.com/tennis/story/_/id/33033162/australian-judge-reinstates-novak-djokovic-visa-orders-release-hotel-quarantine
3. Ibid.
8. https://www.the-sun.com/sport/4400110/tennis-basilashvili-struggles-breathe-doctor/
10. Ibid.
12, https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/
16. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covi
17. https://covid19criticalcare.com/network-support/the-flccc-alliance/
18. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)30101-6/fulltext
20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO9cjy3Rydc
21. https://www.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2021/12/20211228-year-review.pr.html
23. realnotrare.com
24. nomoresilence.world
25. https://www.realnotrare.com/post/wendy-bufano-registered-nurse
26. https://nomoresilence.world/series/usa/
27. https://nomoresilence.world/miscellaneous/monthly-summary-of-covid-19-injection-adverse-reactions/

with Tim Ingraham, False Island, Alaska, 1975

with Fred Lebow, New York City, after 50-miler, 1980.
Don Paul is a former logger (1973-1977, northwest Washington and southeast Alaska) and roughneck (1977-1980, Louisiana, Texas, the Gulf of Mexico). He qualified for the 1980 and 1988 U.S, Men's
Olympic Marathon Trial and held the World Road Best for running 50 kilometers between 1982 and 1992. He's the youngest winner of
the Wallace Stegner Fellowship in Creative Writing at Stanford University, age 20 in 1971; there he met lifelong friends. He and Maryse Philippe Déjean, his wife, now co-direct Sticking Up For Children, working with partners in Haiti and New Orleans.
He's the author of over 30 books and the leader or producer of 27 albums, the three latest of them from 2020 and 2021, The Time We Have (Meld #1) and WOMEN and MUSIC (Meld #2) and COMPASSION, Poems and Drums with Hamid Drake. These three
albums are available through the Louisiana Music Factory and through Bandcamp. Please have a listen! The musicians are splendid!
All About Jazz has further biography and an array of his great collaborators.